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Cure for Protein in Urine

Ayurveda! The best solution for treating and managing high protein levels in the urine.

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What is Protein in Urine?

The human kidney acts as a filter that removes toxins from the blood in the form of urine and helps essential nutrients like protein get transferred to the blood. However, at times, due to the improper functioning of the kidney, some proteins may also pass out with the urine, which is expected to join the bloodstream and help in muscle development, boosting immunity to fight infections, and many more regular body functions.

Protein in urea, or proteinuria, predicts the onset of major kidney-related ailments and some serious cardiovascular complications. So, it becomes important to get diagnosed for protein in the urea to identify any other major complications associated with it before it reaches a level of severity. Let’s discuss in detail the symptoms, causes, and cure for protein in urine.

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Protein in Urine Symptoms

There are some particular signs that you may observe if you have proteinuria. Identifying them and getting a suitable diagnosis is important for the cure for protein in urine. Some of these symptoms can be:

Well, these symptoms indicate the presence of protein in your urine, but still, it will be suggested that you not come to any conclusions on your own and instead consult a healthcare expert for the proper diagnosis. Proteinuria can be cured effectively after diagnosing the actual cause elevating the situation.

Protein in the Urine Causes

There may be certain long-term and short-term factors that may result in the presence of high protein in urine. Some of these factors are as follows:

Protein in Urine Diagnosis

The most prominent diagnostic test before proceeding with the cure for protein in urine is to go through a urine test. The urine test is performed in a few ways:

  • UACR Test

This test not only helps indicate the presence of protein but also helps measure the level of protein. Experts coined the term for this test as the urine albumin-to-creatinine ratio, or UACR. It comparatively measures the level of albumin to the creatinine. A UACR above 30 mg/g indicates kidney disorders, immediately needing help.


  • Dipstick Test

This is another widely used diagnostic method for protein in urea. In this, the doctor analyzes urine by using a dipstick, a plastic tool with a coating of a chemical that changes its color based on different levels of protein.


  • GFR Test

The doctor may also use a GFR (Glomeruli Filtration Rate) or blood test to understand the kidney's ability to filter blood and catch any abnormality.
Protein in urine can be cured once an effective diagnosis is performed. Just consult your expert to help formulate a well-structured treatment strategy.

Cure for Protein in Urine

As discussed above, there may be some long-term and some short-term factors causing protein in urea, and that’s why the treatment method will also vary from person to person. While the treatment method will involve a proper diagnosis of the level of protein in urea as well as the root cause, after diagnosis, it helps craft a proper cure for protein in urine strategy that will be unique to each individual and may include utilizing ayurvedic herbs, treatment therapies such as Panchakarma, and suggesting dietary alterations.

Cure for Protein in Urine


Mr. Atul

Mr. Atul

Recently, I started developing symptoms of protein in urea, and my diagnosis confirmed it. With a medical history of high blood pressure and diabetes, I was terrified to trust any treatment methods. Then, while looking for the cure for protein in urine online, I came across Karma Ayurveda and its unique approach to treating diseases. It still feels so lucky to have found them on time.

Mr. Anand

Mr. Anand

I had been facing the symptoms of protein in my urine for quite some time and wanted to try some permanent solution that could help me eliminate the disease from the root. That’s when I came across Karma Ayurveda’s kidney experts and their specialized solution for the cure for protein in Urine, and I have to admit, the strategy worked nicely. Highly recommends Karma Ayurveda’s kidney experts!


FAQs About Cure for Protein in Urine


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Take the first step and schedule your personalized Ayurvedic consultation for your wellness today.

Protein in urea indicates poor kidney health. So, taking care of factors affecting your kidney health might do the trick, such as staying hydrated, eating a balanced diet, reducing sodium intake, and more.

The level of protein above 150 milligrams per day in urine is generally considered serious and requires professional help.

The normal range for protein in urea is 150 mg/day. Anything above it requires medical help.

Normally, the experts use a dipstick test to check protein levels in urine or an extensive urine test in the laboratory.

It is suggested to consult your healthcare expert to identify the reason leading to this condition and ask for a suitable cure for protein in Urine.

Yes, the treatment for high protein in urine is available in a systematic way with the assistance of a kidney expert.

Yes, kidney-leaking protein treatment is possible; just consult an expert for the proper diagnosis and strategy.

Yes, proteinuria is curable with a suitable diagnosis and specific treatment strategy.

The duration of the natural cure for protein in urine will depend on the severity and the amount of protein leakage in your urine.

Say Goodbye to Protein in Urine, Call Us Now for Natural Healing